portfolio /

Small Things

UI concept and strategy


The prospect of changing the world can be quite daunting; unfortunately, not everyone has the same opportunities or resources to mount their campaigns and fully immerse themselves in organizations that are committed to change. However, not participating can trigger a sense of regret and, more effectively, guilt and therefore paralysis. 

Based on the theory that active participation in community life online will strengthen individual’s identification with common values and care for the common good, the idea for this project was to develop a mobile app that would encourage young adults/students to complete one small task a day within four categories: environment, physical health, mental health and helping others. Our main strategy for motivating our users was to make the assignments relevant enough to be taken seriously, and easy enough to be achieved without effort since beliefs about one’s ability play a prominent role in motivation. Therefore the goal of this app was, by connecting with local leaders in the respective fields, find what the priorities are right now, adjust the assignments thereafter, and then provide the user with easily completed tasks. 

The concept was developed as part of the MA course “Making Use of the Media”, oriented towards activism, entrepreneurship. With point of departure in ‘grassroots activism; which refers to a concept of diverse citizen collectives focused on local issues which work to achieve change the attempt was to, at the most basic level, create behavioural change by encouraging the user to complete small tasks that collectively lead to the common good of the community.  

Apart from collaborative work on strategy and concept development, I took the opportunity to explore and visualize the UI look and feel showcased below.


MA course: Making Use of the Media: Activism, Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Keywords: Concept development, UX, brand and UI design

Team: In collaboration with Louise Gejrot, Communication strategist

Year: 2017. Revisited 2019.

