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Eco for sustainable design magazine

Digital magazine layout

Wirtén Content Agency

Saint-Gobain Ecophon develops and manufactures acoustic products and systems that contribute to a good working environment by enhancing peoples’ wellbeing and performance. As part of a content marketing strategy, Ecophon decided to digitalise their magazine “ECO – For Sustainable Design” and hired Wirtén Agency for both editorial and design purposes.

As a design intern at the agency, I worked alongside the Art Director and editor in chief from start to finish of the design phase, including layout in seven different languages. By the means of existing printed material as reference, the challenge was to create a digital edition with the same look and feel, taking into consideration printed layout while at the same time exploring useful features that would bring the magazine to life in a new way. We designed an interactive magazine with scrollable text contents, expandable info boxes and 360 degree rooms available to enter; this added a sense of useful playfulness to the reading experience without losing the magazine feeling. The magazine was nominated for the Swedish publishing price in 2015.


Client: Saint-Gobain Ecophon

My role: Art director assistant

Work: Digital magazine, digital publishing

Team: Jacob Edgren (AD) and team at Wirtén Content Agency


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